Full Forms Hindi - भारत का सबसे बड़ी फुल फॉर्म वेबसाइट

    C-DIT Full Form Hindi

    Definition : Centre for Development of Imaging Technology
    Category : Governmental » Firms & Organizations

    C-DIT का क्या मतलब है?

    इमेजिंग प्रौद्योगिकी के विकास के लिए केंद्र (C-DIT) केरल सरकार द्वारा इमेजिंग तकनीक में अनुसंधान, विकास और प्रशिक्षण की उन्नति के लिए स्थापित एक संस्था है। C-DIT का मुख्यालय तिरुवनंतपुरम, केरल, भारत में है।

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    • C-DIT Full Form
    • Full Form of C-DIT
    • C-DIT Full Form Hindi
    • C-DIT meaning Hindi
    • C-DIT full form in Firms & Organizations
    • C-DIT full form in Governmental

    Relative Terms

    Short Form Full Form Category
    COA College of the Atlantic
    Academic & Science >> Universities & Institutions
    ACDT Australian Central Daylight Time
    Regional >> Time Zones
    CRM Crew Resource Management
    Transport & Travel >> Air Transport
    CBT Ceneri Base Tunnel
    Transport & Travel >> Rail Transport
    CRPF Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation
    Associations & Organizations >> Medical Organizations
    NBC National Business Center
    Governmental >> Departments & Agencies
    KCCL Keltron Component Complex Limited
    Governmental >> Firms & Organizations
    KPCC Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee
    Governmental >> Politics
    SOHC Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator
    Business >> Job Titles
    CPT Continuous Performance Test
    Medical >> Tests

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