Full Forms Hindi - भारत का सबसे बड़ी फुल फॉर्म वेबसाइट

    OAB Full Form Hindi

    Definition : Oman Arab Bank
    Category : Business » Companies & Corporations

    OAB का क्या मतलब है?

    देश में अरब बैंक की शाखाओं के अधिग्रहण के बाद 1 अक्टूबर 1984 को ओमान अरब बैंक की स्थापना की गई थी।

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    • OAB Full Form
    • OAB meaning hindi
    • OAB full form hindi
    • OAB abbreviation hindi
    • OAB abbr in hindi
    • OAB ki full form kya hai
    • OAB ki full form hindi me
    • OAB full form in Companies & Corporations
    • OAB full form in Business

    Relative Terms

    Short Form Full Form Category
    Uninor Composed of the names Unitech and Telenor, the two owners of the joint venture
    Business >> Companies & Corporations
    OPC One Person Company
    Business >> Companies & Corporations
    xoxo Hugs and Kisses
    Miscellaneous >> Chat slang
    SO Salpingo-Oophorectomy
    Medical >> Surgery
    SOC Standard Occupational Classification
    Governmental >> Standards
    Repo Repository
    Computing >> General Computing
    DOP Degree of Parallelism
    Computing >> General Computing
    BOT Robot
    Computing >> Internet
    TOD Pulau Tioman Airport
    Transport & Travel >> Airport Codes
    EMO Emergency Management Office
    Governmental >> Policies & Programs

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